
Department of Business


DBA (Doctor of Business Administration)

A Doctor of Business Administration (DBA) is a professional degree aimed at working individuals with considerable experience who want to expand their career scope and emerge as thought leaders in their respective fields. DBA is one of the highest levels of qualifications in the business world.

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Professional Doctorate (Multiple Specializations)

Professional Doctorate programs offered by East Bridge University are higher learning and career advancement courses geared towards working professionals who are looking to take on senior and leadership roles in their field of work.

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MBA - (Multiple Specializations)

A Master’s in Business Administration is a highly prestigious degree in the corporate and the business world. An MBA degree can be the most suitable for anyone looking to enter the corporate world or advance their business careers. MBAs have a competitive advantage in the highly volatile job market as they get the technical nitty-gritty along with the practical understanding of their chosen professional field.

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BBA (Bachelor in Business Administration)

A Bachelor in Business Administration (BBA) is the first step for a candidate to enter the business world. We, at EBU, have designed a completely online program for our students that enables them to navigate and expose themselves to the concepts and theories of business from the comfort of their home. Pursuing a BBA lays the groundwork for students which later enables them to succeed in the highly competitive and ever-changing business landscape.

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