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Admission Terms

Please read the terms and conditions carefully before submitting the form. Kindly enter your name and email ID at the end before submitting.

  • Non-Refundable Fee - On successful completion of the Application procedure, you will be expected to pay a non-refundable admission course fee. The fee that you have already paid is non-refundable and it won’t be refunded for any personal reason like health/medical problems, family problems or any other individual problems. The fee is refundable only if the course is discontinued for some reason by East Bridge University. If you are unable to complete the course for any particular reason, the course fee you have paid will be forfeited.
  • Balance / Installment Fee Payment - If you fail to pay the installment fees within the given due date, we will give another 15 days as grace period to pay the balance fee and the amount payable would be Balance Fee + Penalty fee applicable. Once the 15 days’ grace period is over, your course will be discontinued, and you would have to take fresh admission by paying the full course fee.
  • Cancellation of Registration - This is not allowed by East Bridge University unless on exceptional grounds. The payment can rather be considered non-refundable and the decision of the project organizer to be held final.
  • Payment - I certify that when I make payment to East Bridge University for any service or offering, I am doing so using my own personal funds. If I am using the funds of a third party, I hereby state that I have been given the authority to act on behalf of third party to request authorization of such transaction. Additionally, I understand that I am responsible for all damages, bank fees, credit card fees, or penalties that may be associated with the unauthorized use, transfer, or disclosure of credit or bank account information (e.g., charges associated with frozen funds, disputes, reversals, refunds, legal fees, court fees, or any applicable penalties).
  • Re-Registration -If I am unable to complete the course within the stipulated time and without valid notification then my registration will stand cancelled. Terms: If the candidate wants to continue with the program, he/she has to re-register by paying an additional fee of 100 USD and will be eligible to get a 3-month grace period. However, if the candidate still fails to complete the course within the extension, he/she has to again re-register by paying double the amount of the previous additional fee, i.e., 200 USD and will be eligible to get another 2 months grace period. Still if a candidate is unable to complete the course, he/she has to take FRESH ADMISSION and pay the full course fee as applicable. Also, if you fail to go ahead with the schedule intakes of the college you will have to pay the extension fee/re-registration fee and you will have to bear the increased fee by University if any.
  • Certification - Certificate will be indented only after successful completion of all assignments and after submission of completed feedback forms. No request will be entertained for issuing of certificate before the Semester has been successfully completed. Exit route certification is not encouraged, however, after completion of certain credits an exit route certification can be worked out based on student’s requirement, management decision and subject to certain fees to be paid for the same. Degree Certification is conferred by East Bridge University, Paris.

    The East Bridge University, Paris, reserves the rights to revise the design, wording and overall template used for conferring its degrees and awards. It is at the discretion of the university and is NOT subject to scrutiny and/or approvals of other parties who are directly or indirectly involved in the affairs of EBU operations.
  • Grading - Once an assignment has been graded/ credit has already been earned, it cannot be re-done for improving Grades/ Credits. If an assignment has to be redone, then you will be informed by your coordinator.
  • Grade Sheet - The soft copy of the grade sheet will be available within 2 months along with the final certificate from East Bridge University at the end of the program. An additional fee would be applicable.
  • Course Duration - The Welcome Letter will clearly mention the course duration of each program. No request for false information about increasing the course duration will be entertained by any student.

    The Certificate programs can be completed within a minimum duration of 3 months and a maximum of 6 months. After 10 months from the date of course enrollment, the student would need to pay a maintenance bench fee of an additional 25 USD for every month of extension.

    For the Diploma programs, the course can be completed within a minimum duration of 6 months, and a maximum duration of up to 8 months. After 12 months from the date of enrollment, the student would need to pay a maintenance bench fee of an additional 25 USD for every month of extension.

    For all Post Graduate Diploma programs, one can complete the full program in a minimum duration of 8 months, and a maximum of up to 12 months. After 15 months from the enrollment date, the student would need to pay an additional maintenance bench fee of 25 USD for every month of extension.

    For all Bachelor's programs, one can complete the full program of study in a minimum duration of 18 months, and a maximum duration of up to 36 months. After 42 months from the enrollment date, the student would need to pay an additional maintenance bench fee of 25 USD for every month of extension.

    For all Master's programs, one can complete the full program of study in a minimum duration of 12 months, and a maximum duration of up to 24 months. After 30 months from the enrollment date, the student would need to pay an additional maintenance bench fee of 50 USD for every month of extension.

    For all Doctorate programs, one can complete the full program of study in a minimum duration of 12 months, and a maximum duration of up to 36 months. After 42 months from the enrollment date, the student would need to pay an additional maintenance bench fee of 75 USD for every month of extension.
  • Time for Evaluation - East Bridge University will take minimum 3 weeks to evaluate all your Assignments.
  • Registered Email Address - The email address mentioned by you at the time of your admission will be considered as your registered email address with us for any correspondence.
  • Course Access - Online access for the courses will be given within one week after completion of the admission form, payments and acceptance of all terms and conditions.  Our course materials are available online and downloadable. Printing of our study materials is strictly prohibited.
  • Subject wise Assignments and Final Assignment - Plagiarism is considered as an academic misconduct and shall be taken very seriously by EBU. It is expected that the students will not copy the work of any other student. Ideas from any and all sources must be properly cited and quoted. It is fine to use ideas, words, and short passages from others’ work, as long as they acknowledge the source. The below rules for plagiarism shall be strictly implemented:

    • Teachers are required to check the student’s work and make sure they follow the APA referencing format.
    • In any case the student exceeds 25% plagiarism similarity, marker(s), EBU would then be responsible to notify the student via email and would lodge the case in the student’s file.
    • Students will be given a warning and asked to re-submit the work for the first plagiarized work. Failing to produce non plagiarized work for the second time will lead to a fine of 50 USD for each further submission.

    Note: There are several plagiarism checkers you can use to check your work before submission. Some of the recommended ones are: Quietest, EasyBib and PlagScan.

    Failed Assignment Norms for EBU:

    • Students are required to read, understand and follow the Assignment Guidelines/Policy document to ensure they successfully complete the assignments.
    • If students don’t meet the assignment guidelines/policies, their assignments will get an automatic F (Fail) or 0%.
    • If students would like to re-do the module/assignment, an additional fee of USD 50 for the core modules and USD 100 for research paper / capstone project will be added.
    • Students are requested to pass ALL of the modules in order to graduate from the program.
  • Our Policy on Malpractice - The policies hereby given, are aimed at our students, who are registered on East Bridge University (EBU) programs or courses and involved in suspected or actual malpractice. These have been developed for our students to ensure they are aware of all malpractice rules and procedures. It lays down the steps for our institution and students who need to follow when reporting suspected or actual cases of malpractice.
  • Terminology - Malpractice. For clarity, malpractice is deemed to be those deliberate actions and practices that threaten the integrity of any East Bridge University (EBU) qualification or threaten the reputation of East Bridge University (EBU).

    Learner malpractice is any learner activity which has the possibility to undermine the integrity and validity of the learner’s work amounting to plagiarism, collusion, cheating, etc. Malpractice by Learners which will be considered by East Bridge University:

    • Any kind of plagiarism
    • Collaborative work with other learners submitted as individual learner work
    • Copying (content directly from the websites)
    • Deliberate destruction of another’s work
    • Fabrication of results or evidence
    • False declaration of authenticity regarding coursework
    • Pretending to be someone else and producing the work for another taking one’s place in an assessment/examination/test
    • Inappropriate behavior during an internal assessment
    • Including inappropriate, offensive, discriminatory, or obscene material in course assignments
    • Frivolous content - submitting content that is unrelated to the coursework * *
  • Application and Applicant Background Information - I agree that I have not knowingly misrepresented myself to East Bridge University or its authorized representatives in any way. I also agree that I have disclosed the true facts of any past, pending, or potential future criminal status. Additionally, I acknowledge that the application essays and skill-based questions are my own true, authentic, and original works. I understand that submitting falsified or plagiarized works to East Bridge University and its representatives may be grounds for immediate withdrawal of acceptance offer, ineligibility for any future course, or dismissal from a current course in which I am enrolled without refund. Additionally, I understand that I must be 19 years of age by the time I actually commence my course study. I further understand that I qualify for the job assistance if I am 21 years of age or older with requisite qualification. I will also provide East Bridge University with the emergency contact information of a relative or significant other who would be able to advise East Bridge University about the management of my welfare in the event of an emergency or situation where I cannot act on my own behalf. The contact information for that person shall consist of his/her telephone numbers, email addresses, and the postal mailing address where he/she may be reached. Additionally, I will not at any time hold East Bridge University liable for the exchange of personal information between an authorized company representative and my designated emergency contact should such exchange be necessitated to promote my well-being. I understand that if I fail to do so, East Bridge College is limited in its role to assist me in the event of an emergency.
  • Information, Electronic Correspondence, and Brochure - I understand that the information contained in all electronic correspondences, including East Bridge University’s website, and in printed material is believed to be accurate. However, I understand that it may be subject to errors, changes, omissions, availability of courses, or withdrawal of special offers without notice. It is the responsibility of the applicant to contact an official East Bridge University representative for periodic updates as terms of this course offering are subject to change without notice. Special offers and promotional discounts are non-transferable and time bound. Those are applicable for specific courses featured. Additionally, I understand that it is my sole responsibility or responsibility of my authorized representative to check all continuous email correspondences from an authorized East Bridge University’s representative. All official correspondence shall be conducted via email unless the applicant otherwise indicates on the application or in written form that this is not a suitable mode of communication. Should my email address or pertinent contact information change, I shall notify East Bridge College within a reasonable amount of time.

  • "Event of Force Majeure" - In this Clause, "Event of Force Majeure" means an event beyond the control of the Authority and the Operator, which prevents a Party from complying with any of its obligations under this agreement, including but not limited to:
    • A. Act of God (such as, but not limited to, fires, explosions, earthquakes, drought, tidal waves and floods);
    • B. War, hostilities (whether war be declared or not), invasion, act of foreign enemies’ mobilization, requisition, or embargo.
    • C. Rebellion, revolution, insurrection, or military or usurped power, or civil war.
    • D. Virus Outbreak
    • E. Contamination by radioactivity from any nuclear fuel, or from any nuclear waste from the combustion of nuclear fuel, radio-active toxic explosive, or other hazardous properties of an explosive nuclear assembly or nuclear component of such assembly.
    • F. Riot, commotion, strikes, go slows, lock outs or disorder, unless solely restricted to employees of the Supplier or of his Subcontractors; or
    • G. Acts or Threats of Terrorism
  • Governing Law and Jurisdiction - These Terms of Service shall be construed in accordance with and governed by the applicable local law in the country you are taking the Course. East Bridge University, Paris, France, East Bridge College, LLC (USA), East Bridge College Ltd. (UK) and East Bridge Training Co., Ltd (Thailand) trade as East Bridge University in these four countries respectively. Any action, claim or proceeding seeking to enforce any provision of, or based on or arising out of, these Terms of Service may be brought against any of the parties in the courts of France/USA/UK/Thailand. By execution and delivery of these Terms of Service, I hereby irrevocably accept, generally and unconditionally, the exclusive jurisdiction of the aforesaid courts and waive any objection to venue laid therein. Process in any action or proceeding referred to in the preceding two sentences may be served on me anywhere in the world. The terms and conditions shall be construed and interpreted in accordance with laws of respective countries and East Bridge University shall retain the right to bring proceedings related to any issue in the Courts of France or Bangkok for INTERNATIONAL students.
  • Placement and Job Offers - If you are interested in any job offer shared by East Bridge University, please contact the recruiter directly as East Bridge University neither screens employers nor will get involved in any negotiation as we provide only placement related assistance in general and shall not be held RESPONSIBLE for any inconsistency.


East Bridge University (EBU) is a private, independent, higher education establishment, incorporated in the France. EBU does not claim to be offering ANY NATIONALLY ACCREDITED programmes, nor does it claim to confer academic degrees as do traditional public or private universities in Europe, USA , Asia or other parts of the world. East Bridge University is incorporated in Paris, France, (Registration at RCS No.: 839 980 851 R.C.S. Paris on 29 May 2018) is a private higher education establishment authorized by the French Ministry of National Education, Higher Education, Research, and Innovation, in accordance to and in compliance with the French Education Act: Code de l’Education Articles L 444-1 to 444-11 and R 444-1 to 444-28.

EBU skill-development programmes and their ensuing awards and certifications are most conducive to personal and professional development purposes. EBU does not claim that it’s programmes or professional awards are academic in nature, as do other traditional/public/private universities in other parts of the world. Students are required to do their own independent research regarding the suitability of EBU programmes and ensure certifications based on assessment of their own personal and professional development needs before enrolling into EBU programmes. EBU does not guarantee that the certifications conferred are accepted by other institutions of higher learning for further studies. EBU does not guarantee that the certifications conferred are accepted by employers, both private and public (government agencies), for job seeking and/or promotion purposes. However, EBU awards and certifications can be legalized / Apostille by the in Paris, and can be attested by various embassy offices in Paris at an additional fee. This service from time to time can change due to the changing terms and conditions of the MOFA and Embassies. While EBU will try to help students to fetch these wherever required but these cannot be guaranteed. EBU Degrees can be Apostille . The Apostille is an official or a specialized certificate from a government/secretary of State that makes a document from one country acceptable in another country in regard to the usage of such certificates.

While EBU strives to offer high-quality education and its certificates can be valuable for various purposes internationally, it's crucial for individuals to verify the specific recognition of the certificate in the country where they intend to use it, especially for formal education or professional licensing purposes. This approach ensures that stakeholders make informed decisions regarding their educational and career paths.

Enrollment Form


**Your full name must match government-issued ID exactly for degree/certificate issuance. Ensure accurate spelling to avoid discrepancies.


** Please mentioned the full name of the Degree / Certificate as mentioned.


Yes     No


dot Upload Resume

** We recommend a file size less than 2MB and the file format must be either Microsoft Word or PDF.

dot Upload Credentials

** Please upload your academic and professional Credentials / Transcript / academic record showing grades obtained in PDF format with a maximum file size of 2MB per document. Transcript or academic record showing grades obtained.

dot Upload Government-issued Photo ID with Address

** Accepted IDs include Passport, Driver's License, or National Identity Card. Upload a scanned copy or clear photograph of the front side of the ID in JPEG or PDF format with a maximum file size of 2MB.


  1. I hereby declare that the information provided in this application form is accurate and complete to the best of my knowledge. I understand that any misrepresentation may result in the rejection of my application or dismissal from the university.
  2. I understand and consent to the collection, storage, and processing of my personal data provided in this form for the purpose of admission and academic records by the university. I also understand that my data will be handled in accordance with applicable data protection laws.
  3. I consent to being contacted by the university via the provided email address and phone number for matters related to my application and admission process, as well as for promotional and information
 Agree        Disagree

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