East Bridge University (EBU)

International Live Webinar On Research Development for Professional Doctorate Certificate Program - Conducted By East Bridge College

25th October 2021

East Bridge College has successfully conducted the international live ed-webinar on Research Development for Professional Doctorate Certificate (PDC) Program on 23rd October 2021 for the PDC students. The whole session was being taken by Ms Kuhurina Basu.

There were students from across the globe who have shared their valuable feedback as well. Ravindra Vinjamuri from Dubai, who is an Entrepreneur, has stated that the trainer answered all of the queries satisfactorily. Furthermore, Ravindra said the content was sequenced and structured in a manner that enables learners to achieve the stated goals too. The information was "chunked" or grouped to help students learn the content and the purpose of learning activities are clearly presented.

Participants also said that the webinar gave them an opportunity to ask questions and clarify doubts by saying their experience with EBC has been a great one. Another participant Mr Shriram Ananthanarayanan, who is in the teaching profession said that the overall teaching was absolutely wonderful. He added, “This webinar was very informative and gave us the clarity to go about with the course. The journey has just started and I am beginning to enjoy it thoroughly.”

All of the information provided via email was excellent and the answers to all of the queries were brilliant. The Professional Doctorate Certificate programme provides career-specific development opportunities to executives and professionals who often perceive academic doctorate studies as something out-of-reach and beyond their academic capacity. The international live ed-webinar has been a huge success where every participant got the opportunity to expand their knowledge by getting answers to their queries as well.

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