East Bridge University (EBU)

An Interactive edWebinar On Social Emotional Learning for Young Learners

27th September 2021

East Bridge College has recently conducted an insightful webinar on Social Emotional Learning for Young Learners on 25th September 2021. Presented by the expert trainer David Bourke conducted the session extremely well and participants from all across the world were benefited from the webinar. This webinar shared various examples of how social and emotional education can not only progress the academic environment for students but also for life beyond the classroom.

During the COVID-19 health crisis, helping the young children’s social-emotional wellbeing, has taken on new importance. This edWebinar has successfully highlighted how to reinforce every child’s social-emotional skills through screening, early recognition, and competence-building training.

Participants have learned how to identify early behavioral concerns, the significance of involving families in social-emotional screening and follow-up along with accessing resources that early educators can use to sustain children’s social-emotional growth.

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