East Bridge University (EBU)

East Bridge College Organized A Webinar On Issues in Teacher Development and Managing Innovations

8th September 2021

East Bridge College has recently organized a successful webinar on different issues in teacher development and management innovations in schools on the 5th September 2021. Eminent trainers of the webinar were Ms. Kuhurina Basu & Dr. Margaret Davitt Maughan. Participants from across the globe enjoyed the constructive webinar quite a lot.

In education, there is a lot that can slow down innovation and the webinar addressed all of those barriers significantly by discussing the solutions too. The webinar distinguished classification of innovations, discusses the blocks to innovation and talks about different ways to increase the rate of innovation-based changes in the education system.

The webinar also talks about the importance of teacher development. Teachers in fragile and crisis situations face massive barriers to quality professional development. Therefore, East Bridge College’s webinar also focussed on how can teachers start to address their professional development successfully.

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